GivingWay - Safety and Vetting

Safety and Vetting

Two of the most common questions we are asked by volunteers are:

If - and how - does GivingWay vet nonprofit organizations on the platform

Whether the volunteering opportunities on GivingWay are safe

It is super important for us to be clear on these matters so please take a couple of minutes to read through this page (we'll try to keep it short, promise!).

Vetting Nonprofits

As a global platform it has always been our goal to provide a wealth of opportunities so that people can support various causes they care about all over the world. We believe that people should have as many options and information at hand so they can make informed decisions about the causes they want to support. That's why we built our platform, from the very beginning, as an "online marketplace" that reaches far and wide across the globe.

Like any marketplace, we wish to have only the very best nonprofits in the world (nothing wrong with aiming high, right? 😊) but we are also aware of our limitations and want to be very clear on what we do and don’t check when it comes to nonprofits.

What we DO check

In order to be eligible to set up a profile on GivingWay, a nonprofit organization must confirm that it:
  1. Is a legally registered nonprofit or social enterprise in its local country.
  2. Is run by and for its local community (i.e. an on-the-ground, grassroots-level kind of organization).
  3. Does NOT run, manage or operate an orphanage or similar residential home/s for children (you can read about our policy against orphanage-volunteering here).

What we DON'T check

Everything else.

This means that once a nonprofit passes the 3-fold criteria above, it is eligible to set up a profile on GivingWay. From this point on it is the responsibility of the volunteer to find out as much information as possible about the nonprofit, its activities, location and surroundings before deciding to volunteer or support the organization.

How can this be done? By reading reviews, contacting past and present volunteers and requesting information from the nonprofit itself. We are constantly working on expanding the tools we provide volunteers in order to do so and this includes our review system, messaging tools, response ratings and application process.


Whether you are volunteering in your own neighborhood or traveling across the world to support a cause you care about - taking safety precautions is a vital part of planning and executing your volunteer experience.

As much as we'd love to say we vouch for the safety of nonprofits on GivingWay - we can't. We try to provide as many tools as possible for volunteers to educate themselves but like any other situation in life - deciding who to work with, where to stay and what to eat - a good dosage of common sense and caution are required when deciding where to volunteer.

Here are some measures you should take when considering to volunteer abroad:

  1. Travel warnings - many nonprofits on GivingWay are in Developing Countries and due to the nature of their work may be located in areas that are of higher risk of violence, crime, political unrest or natural disasters. Careful research should be done on the location of the nonprofit including any updated travel restrictions or limitations; for this purpose, we recommend using the following (or similar) resources:
  2. Insurance - obtaining appropriate travel insurance is strongly recommended when traveling abroad in general; this is even more the case when traveling to remote regions or places where certain infrastructures are under developed. Make sure you obtain proper insurance before embarking on your trip.
  3. Vaccinations - many nonprofits are located in regions for which certain vaccinations are required; consult with your local physician to make sure you get this one covered.
  4. Visa requirements - different countries have different visa requirements; also, sometimes there are special requirements that are relevant to volunteer work. Consult with your local authorities as well as the nonprofit you are interested in volunteering with to find out what kind of visa is needed.

Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the decision to volunteer, support or donate to a nonprofit is made by the volunteer at your own discretion and GivingWay is not responsible for the choices made by volunteers or the activities and conduct of nonprofits on the platform. That said, if you have a concern that any nonprofit on the platform does not comply with our policies, we urge you to let us know as soon as possible so we can look into the matter and take appropriate measures if needed.