Help Us Keep Our Girls ALIVE During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Help Us Keep Our Girls ALIVE During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Campaign by Girl Pride Africa - Cape Town, South Africa
$46,404.2 (581 donors)
Goal is $100,000
46 Complete (success)

About this Campaign

Over 800 vulnerable child brides we rescue and their children need your help this Christmas please . Please give a gift to show them you care.
This Christmas, over 860 of the most vulnerable teen moms and victims of domestic violence and their children on our program will do it tougher than ever before but together we can give them the hope and joy they deserve.
We URGENTLY need your support!

We need to raise a minimum $30,000 this Christmas to help over 800 vulnerable teen moms, pregnant teens and babies who need us desperately. Please donate today or share our fundraiser link with a friend, family or kindly use your social media platforms to raise awareness about our work and Christmas Appeal. Thank you!

Hello everyone! My name is Lolah Mupotaringa, Founder and CEO at Girl Pride Africa. Girl Pride Africa is a registered nonprofit organization working closely with thousands of girl child and teenage mothers across Africa.


Our goal for 2021 was to open a preschool for our teen moms' babies and children, so they can get jobs to earn money to support their families or study, in order to become financially independent. The preschool was also to provide a safe, stimulating, happy environment where the children can learn through play.

In light of the Covid-19 lockdown, we have had to change our focus to simply ensure our girls and their babies simply HAVE FOOD AND CLEAN WATER.

We are all facing the uncertainty that is unfolding around us but more than ever before, Girl Pride Africa needs your support. This kind of crippling fear is what our teen moms we support experience daily. Pregnant teens and our teenage mothers are struggling to have one meal per day. What would you do?

With the difficult decision to close our centers, we are facing the fact that we won't have any stock left in a matter of days to help our girls. This means we will have to close entirely and say no to those that need us most.

We urgently need to raise enough founds to ensure that we are around to continue our mission of making sure every baby has a safe start to life.

Will you help today by making a donation for us to be able to purchase items through this difficult and challenging time?

Use of Funds

- $15 can buy a food parcel for a refugee teen mom and her child for a week.
- $25 provides nappies, wipes and food for the whole month.
- $50 provides shelter and formula for a child bride for the whole month.
- $100 provides crisis food hamper for a teen mom ready for delivery filled with all the essentials such as nappies, wipes, formula, baby wash etc, as well as rent for the month.

Any level of donation would give hope to our desperate teen moms and their children during this time and would be most appreciated.
With much love and gratitude from all of us at Girl Pride Africa.

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